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Animal Rights/ Animals/ Dining/ HappyCow Site/ Health/ Interview/ Juicing/ Products/ Restaurants/ Reviews/ Travel/ Video

SoCal VegFest 2015 – Tips and Highlights

Watch our highlight video of SoCal VegFest 2015 in Costa Mesa, California. Interviews by HappyCow’s Ken Spector. Learn some tips from locals about Orange County’s favorite vegan restaurants. Watch our video highlights here: For more info see:…

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Health/ Juicing/ Nutrition/ Recipes/ Video

Ginger Power Detox Juice

I’ve noticed that whenever I drink fresh, organic vegetable juice my energy levels go through the ceiling. I feel energised and vibrant; so much so, that I’ve incorporated vegetable juicing into my weekly rhythm as a general health and wellness tonic. Juicing fresh vegetables, herbs and spices like ginger, can be an excellent way to reset your system and cleanse. It’s perfect to help yourself recover from illness and disease.…

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Cooking/ Health/ Juicing/ Recipes/ Veganism

Super-Souper EASY Veggie Stock

easy veggie stock recipe

Many of the savory recipes in my cookbook call for the addition of veggie stock. Vegetable stock or broth adds another level of depth and flavor to just about any dish. Not all purchased broths are the same…they vary widely in quality and flavor. I am really picky about how my dishes taste, and my favorite so far is Organic Better than Bouillon Vegetable Base.  So a few days ago, I…

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Health/ Juicing/ Recipes/ Thirsty Thursday

Summer Garden Berry Smoothie

vegan summer garden berry smoothie

There’s something deeply satisfying about the vibrant sweetness of a summer garden berry smoothie, especially with fruit freshly gathered from your own raspberry and strawberry plants (if you are fortunate enough to grow your own that is). For years, my soft fruit crops never seemed to yield enough to allow me to bring any back to the kitchen, because I’d devour them straight off the plant! These days, I feel…

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Juicing/ Organic/ Recipes/ Thirsty Thursday

Organic Pineapple Express

easy pineapple smoothie

Pineapples are full of Vitamin C and manganese, which are good for your bones, among other nutrients! Delicious clean eating! I’m not a big fan of blended or juiced fruit. I give different guidance on this depending on the person and their blood sugar issues. However, if you’re drinking soda, beer, or eating refined sugar, then this is probably a fantastic upgrade!     ORGANIC PINEAPPLE EXPRESS Ingredients: 1 sweet organic pineapple* 12 filtered…

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Cooking/ Juicing/ Recipes/ Thirsty Thursday

Malty-Maca, Mango & Coconut Smoothie

Malty-Maca, Mango & Coconut Smoothie

In a culture that tends to bombard us with pollution, free-radicals, electro-smog and a myriad of vibrational lowering stress, I love to know that every morsel of what I eat is supporting my health and helping keep my vibration high. I love starting off the first meal of the day with a fresh juice or smoothie, loaded with nutritious gems. Below, I’m sharing a recipe for my malty-maca, mango and…

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Health/ Juicing/ Recipes/ Thirsty Thursday

Super Cleansing Green Kale & Coriander Drink

Super Cleansing Green Kale & Coriander Drink

Juicing can give us a potent hit of helpful nutrients – think ’8 salads worth of high vibrational goodness in a glass’! There are an infinite number of combinations that you can create, yet, most people usually find a favourite combination that they go back to again and again. I’ve been juicing my favourite ‘super cleansing green tonic kale & coriander drink’ for years now… After traveling last week I am…

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General/ Health/ Juicing/ Nutrition/ Organic/ Video

Watch: Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram – Raw Vegan Food Tips

Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram

At Southern California’s ‘Raw Living Expo’ event in Thousand Oaks, CA, the Cows met up with Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, a vegan raw foodist and founder of the Rawfully Organic food co-op. Based in Houston, Texas, Rawfully Organic is the largest non-profit raw fruit and vegetable co-op in the United States. As a long-time raw foodist, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram advocates a raw plant food diet for optimal health, and shares her tips…

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Cooking/ Health/ Juicing/ Nutrition/ Veganism/ Video

Watch: Dr. Alan Goldhamer And Getting Over Your Addiction to Salt, Oil and Sugar

At Southern California’s ‘Healthy Taste of LA’ event this November, the Cows met up with Dr. Alan Goldhamer, the founder of TrueNorth Health Center, a state-of-the-art facility that provides medical and chiropractic services, psychotherapy and counseling, as well as massage and body work. Dr. Goldhamer has supervised the fasts of thousands of patients. Under his guidance, the Center has become one of the world’s top training facilities for doctors wishing…

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Events/ Health/ Juicing/ Nutrition

The Three Principles of Detoxification

By Ben Rolnik: There are a variety ways that one can detoxify their system. Most people assume that detoxing means doing a master cleanse — lots of green juice, lemon, and water — and colonics. This overlooks the very serious problem of “re-toxing” right afterwards — not to mention the other cognitive-behavioral dimensions of detoxification! There are 3 major principles of detoxification I call: rejection, ejection, injection. If we just…

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Health/ Juicing/ Nutrition

Experiences on the Fruitarian Diet

By Claude Vigneault (a HappyCow member) Intro Recently I went from vegan to fruitarian, this is my personal experience of a 6 months fruitarian diet, my set goal is one year. I do not present what follows as a guide into the world of fruitarianism nor do I yet suggest it constitutes the one and only diet, the ideal diet, I don’t know yet. When questioning or altering our diet,…

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Health/ Juicing/ Recipes/ Veganism

Raw Pluck

Being a Vegan doesn’t mean you’re some kind of extremist freak the way it did say 20 years ago.  In fact, the number of Vegans in the U.S. has been increasing every year and is slowly but surely becoming main stream, even hip thanks to some celebrity endorsements and a growing concern for disease prevention.  So now that Veganism has found a more acceptable place in society what has taken…

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Health/ Juicing/ Nutrition

Kids and Vegetables: No More Sneaking

When I decided to become a Vegan, it was a weighty decision.  Not because I thought it would be really hard for me personally but I had a husband and two young children to convince as well.   With my girls, I decided to take the slow and steady approach.  I just casually began adding more almond milk to their cow’s milk, switching out hummus for deli meats in their lunches,…

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