Wafu, a Japanese restaurant in a Sydney suburb, is offering diners a 30 per cent discount when they eat everything on their plate, including that salad garnish. They're asking diners to consider how much they're ordering to minimize the amount of food being thrown out.…
By Françoise Hébrard A history of the English word *VEGAN*: it was invented in 1943 by Donald Watson by contracting the word *VEGetariAN*. At that time, a drift from strict vegetarianism took place in England when eggs and dairy products were added to the diet. Therefore, a *vegan* association was created to regain the initial values of strict vegetarianism. Besides the diet, a vegan has to respect in all other…
The trend towards cycling is a result of people's growing concern for their own health, the environment and their wallet. This is right in-line with the movement towards going veg*n.…
It seems carnivores want to make us, vegetarians and vegans, out to be the environmental bad guys. As the Brazilian rainforest is being destroyed by illegal soybean plantations the finger is being pointed at us the biggest culprit. Except, of course, that according to Worldwatch Institute nearly 80 per cent of global soybean harvest is used to feed livestock.…
Summer of Love Revisited – 1st “Annual?” Vegan Earth Day!!
Once upon a time… a long long time ago, there were humans known as hippies. Flowers in their long flowing hair. Women dressed in long flowing skirts. Music in their heads. On June 21, 2009 the hippies made a comeback… to Woodland Hills! I will set the scene for you: Pierce College campus. Huge shade trees on a sunny day. Music by a myriad of bands (my favorite being The Luminaries…
by Randy Graham Edible centerpieces? Why not? When we make dinner for our friends and family we like to have a centerpiece on the table that is edible. A nice small bouquet of flowers is fun but an “edible” centerpiece is novel, unexpected and can generate interesting discussions while eating. One time we had a small bouquet of nasturtiums in the middle of the table. Our friend, Lol, asked if…
Ojai Center for Regenerative Agriculture by Randy Graham How do David White (Farmer Dave) and Katy Overstreet (Farmer Katy) have fun on Wednesday mornings? This is not a trick question. If you know anything about the Ojai Center for Regenerative Agriculture (CRA) you know it is educating children at Rio Gozo Organic Farm in Ojai. The CRA was formed as a California Nonprofit Corporation in 2002 by David White and…
The following 4 films, taken together, whether you agree or disagree with any of the details, make an incredibly strong overall argument for immediate present-time action. They provide the “detailed proof” of the potentially hard times ahead and what we can possibly do about them. Here are the links: 1. A Delicate Balance https://rcpt.yousendit.com/636000832/188d769e2e6daac0c0206c0da1c7148e This documentary basically advocates a vegan diet and describes how the health of our bodies and…
Watch this 2 minute video to see one way that we could exist peacefully IF heartless gangsters didn’t rule the world: Algae as Fuel http://www.valcent.net/i/misc/Vertigro/index.html…
Eat less meat to fight climate change: UN expert LONDON (AFP) – People should cut their consumption of meat to help combat climate change, a top United Nations expert told a British Sunday newspaper. Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), told The Observer that people should start by having one meat-free day per week then cut back further. The 68-year-old Indian economist, who is…
Angry Doctors Use 1,000 Tomatoes To Spell Out Salmonella Source For FDA: “It’s The Meat, Stupid!” Demonstration July 8 at U.S. Health and Human Services Seeks FDA Focus on Animal Agriculture’s Key Role in Foodborne Illnesses Linked to Tomatoes WASHINGTON—As the Food and Drug Administration enters the 13th week of its struggle to identify the source of the salmonella outbreak that has reached 38 states and the District of…
As the spring season swings towards longer days and shorter nights, so too arrives the incoming summer weather! Summer weather means burgeoning gardens and fields, ready to deliver tasty produce for the picking! Enter veggie-licious local farmers’ market or markets! What a wonderful way to connect with one’s community! Of course, all of the bountiful offerings will vary by climate and soil in one’s respective region of the country and…
Today is the FARM-founded Meatout Celebration, the national day to convince everyone you know to kick the meat habit! I hope everyone can celebrate the joys of not eating meat with friends, loved ones, family members, companion animals and the world on this joyous day! Especially since it’s the first day of spring too! The best way to celebrate in my mind would be with some vegan ice cream, because,…