All Posts By:

Jessica Anderson


7 Vegan Valentine’s Day Dinner Recipes 

vegan valentine's day dinner

Whether celebrating with friends, family, or someone special, Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to share a delicious plant-based meal with good company.   While some prefer to dine out, we’ve got you covered regardless of your plans! No reservations are required with these seven delicious vegan Valentine’s Day dinner recipes. Enjoy!  1. Vegan Caesar Salad with Charred Lettuceby Lazy Cat Kitchen This charred salad is the perfect way to start…

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These 10 Festive Vegan New Year’s Eve Recipes are for Anyone!

Vegan New Year's Eve Recipes

There’s no better way to ring in the new year than to celebrate with delicious vegan recipes!  Whether you plan to fall asleep on the couch or celebrate into the wee hours of the night, we have you covered with some of our favorite vegan starters, mains, desserts, and drinks!  These vegan new year’s eve recipes can be enjoyed by yourself or an entire party! Starters 1. Vegan Charcuterie Boardby…

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Health/ Recipes/ Resources

Simple Swaps to Make Vegan “Junk Food” Recipes Healthier

vegan junk food

Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can come with a multitude of health benefits. However, just because a food is vegan doesn’t mean it’s great for our health.  While we all need the occasional battered, fried, sweet, or savory splurge, here are some simple swaps to give you all your favorite flavors without any guilt.  Get Saucywith… Nutritional YeastNutritional yeast, or “Nooch,” is a must-have ingredient in my household. I’m guilty…

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Health/ Recipes

10 Deliciously Healthy Vegan Desserts for Diabetics

vegan desserts for Diabetics

November is Diabetes Awareness Month!  Whether you’re living with diabetes or prediabetes, or supporting a loved one, what you eat can be an incredibly important tool in managing and preventing disease.  It can feel overwhelming to tackle a new lifestyle or eating plan. You may feel like you have to give up the foods and flavors that you used to enjoy. Well, it doesn’t have to be this way. With…

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10 of the Best Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes

Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving celebrations will be here before we know it. With that comes quality time with family or friends and, fingers crossed, lots of delicious food!  Navigating holiday meal plans can be tricky if you’re celebrating with non-vegans. You may be left wondering what will be included on your Thanksgiving day plate. However, not to fear – the options are truly endless.  You can opt for crisp, bright salads or savory…

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10 Vegan Halloween Candy Recipes for Kids & Adults

vegan halloween candy recipes

Halloween is right around the corner. With that comes costumes, jack o’lanterns, and who could forget—candy! Whether you love participating in the spooky festivities or prefer to stay in, these ten vegan halloween candy recipes will satisfy any sweet tooth and put both kids and adults in the Halloween spirit.  1. Vegan Candy CornBy tbsp. Is there anything more nostalgic than candy corn for Halloween? Who needs store bought when…

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Vegan Parenting/ Veganism

10 Valuable Tips on Vegan Parenting

vegan parenting

As parents, we all want what’s best for our children. It’s innately human. If you ask most parents what they desire for their child’s future, the response is somewhat universal—health and happiness.  Whether you’re currently vegan or thinking about transitioning your family away from animal products, you likely already know the amazing benefits of a plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle. If not, check out these plant-based doctors for more expertise! Not…

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5 Fun and Flavorful Vegan Salad Recipes for the Summer

flavorful vegan salad recipes for the summer

When was the last time someone begged you for that salad recipe? The one that’s satisfying, fresh, and full of amazing ingredients. Well, with these vegan salad recipes, you can prepare yourself for potluck popularity.  We’ve put together a list of five fun and flavorful salads that will be perfect for any occasion, whether it’s for party guests or meal prep. Gone are the days of sad, boring salads. We…

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