Stories/ Travel/ Veganism

Spotlight | Malvika Kathpal, Vegan Traveller

vegan traveller - malbika kathpal

We recently had a chat with Malvika Kathpal, “a psychologist turned belly dancer turned music teacher turned content writer turned scuba diver turned disability support worker turned human, while being vegan through it all!”

Malvika has travelled to 31 countries and lived on 3 continents. She was born and raised in India but currently lives in Canada and has been making her way across each province, living one year in every capital. And today, she has offered to share with you some pro tips on vegan travel.

HC: Firstly, what does veganism mean to you? When, why, and how did you make the switch?
M: To me, veganism is a lifestyle based on the value that animals are not ours to use or consume in any way. I was raised a meat eater but became an ovo-lacto vegetarian at age 10. In Grade 8, I began reading about animal rights and wanted to stop eating eggs. I read about veganism at age 16 and was sold. I spent one year practicing what it would be like to refuse to eat dairy products, and finally decided to go vegan on March 24, 2010.

HC: Some say it’s hard to be vegan while travelling to places where veganism is lesser-known; what are your thoughts?
It’s easy to travel anywhere as a vegan, especially with the HappyCow app. However, even if a country has no vegan restaurant, they would still have vegan food available – restaurants can be requested to accommodate your preferences or you could visit a grocery store. I have always found great vegan food options wherever I’ve been. 

HC: What are the best vegan restaurants you’ve eaten at?
M: It’s tough to narrow them down – I’ve had such wonderful vegan meals across the globe!

Pictured: Vegan BLT. the sauce is spicy! by AvivSeri

But here are my top picks (in no particular order):

1. Canela Bakery & Cafe
Calgary, Canada

2. The Holy Tree
Ludhiana, India 

3. Krowarzywa Vegan Burger
Katowice, Poland

4. Loving Hut
Tokyo, Japan

5. Pipino
Manila, Philippines 

6. Veganerie
Bangkok, Thailand 

HC: What are your top tips for vegan travel? (Especially for those on a budget) 
1. Carry dry packaged snacks with you, for flights, evening snacks and late night hunger pangs.
2. Look up vegan restaurants on HappyCow and pin them all on a map, then book a hotel closest to the most restaurants.
3. Purchase groceries for breakfast (or eat breakfast at your hotel if included in your package) so you only eat lunch and dinner at restaurants instead of 4 meals.
4. Note the restaurant timings on HappyCow and factor mealtimes in your itinerary, picking those restaurants that are close to the sights you are seeing that day.
5. Learn the words for vegan-related requests in the language of the country you are travelling to.
6. Do not worry about finding vegan options – there’s no country in the world that has no fruits or vegetables – you’ll always find something. In fact, some cities will surprise you with the number of vegan specialty places they have – use the right filters on HappyCow to find a vegan cupcakery or vegan community organization!

HC: What advice would you give to a new or aspiring vegan?
If you are a new vegan, you’ve made the best decision of your life! Find a community to feel centered and find advice or answers. If you are an aspiring vegan, just do it. Listen to your inner calling. Nothing tastes as good as being vegan feels. Once you are firm in your commitment, advice or answers are just a Google search away.

HC: Is there anything else you would like to add? 
M: If you are thinking about going vegan or are a new vegan, I have lots of tips and tricks I can share with you about living and traveling as a vegan. I’m more than happy to share what I’ve learned along the way! I don’t use much social media, but you can connect with me on LinkedIn.

We love to hear tips and recommendations from a fellow vegan traveller! If you enjoyed this article, you’ll definitely want to dive in deeper into these beautiful conversations with Shivya Nath, Aviram Rozin, and Kuntal Joisher as each one of them is a vegan traveller in their own unique way.
Spotlight | Shivya Nath, Vegan Traveller and Author
Spotlight | Aviram Rozin, Founder of Sadhana Forest
Spotlight | Kuntal Joisher, First Vegan to Scale Mt. Everest

And if travel’s on your mind, these guides are here to help!
Budget Vegan B&Bs in Various Corners of the World
10 Dreamy Vegan Hotels for Your Next Vacation
10 Vegan Workaways Around The World
The World’s 10 Best Vegan Ice Cream Shops
10 Vegan Sushi Restaurants for Your Culinary Bucket List!
10 Eco-Conscious Vegan Restaurants In The World

For more content on veganism, check out the rest of the HappyCow blog. To find vegan food near you, at any time and place, get the FREE HappyCow app. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter for more great vegan content coming your way!

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