Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants in Taiwan
Taiwan (1749 listings)
Eating vegan in Taiwan is easy since most major streets have a vegetarian restaurant of some kind. Usually the veggie eateries are small food stalls or family-owned shops, some of which offer a buffet spread where guests are charged for food by weight. "Vegetarian" in Chinese is pronounced, "Chur Su," which translates to, "Eat vegetables."
Have someone write the character "Su" (with a heavy sound) for you. Once you learn to recognize it, you will be able to recognize the character displayed on signs. The word for "MSG" is also good to know because most restaurants tend to use a heavy amount of it out of habit. MSG is pronounced, "Wei Jiing," or, "Wei Su." So you could say, "Wo bu yow wei-jiing," meaning, "I don't want MSG." Egg is pronounced, "Dun," so say, "Wo bu yow dun," if you don't want egg.
HappyCow's Useful Phrases for Vegetarian Travelers to Taiwan: